Tuesday, May 27, 2008


Things are different at night. The sun has now surrendered its territory to the stars and what was once filled with rays of hope is now filled with the void of the darkness. There is also something about the darkness; the way that it has a way of surrounding and suffocating. The piercing edge of the darkness finds its way to the corners of my heart more times than I would like to admit. It slices and cuts and cares not of race or age, or past or present. It is a relentless piercing that pokes and prods until its victim is rendered completely hopeless and powerless. Each night brings forth demons that I am growing weary of fighting. My hands are tired and my back hurts. My eyes are heavy with tears and my heart is wounded and sore.


My name is Damaris said...

sometimes.. at night.. i get scared.

lindseyrleigh said...

pe pe is good. he sleeps next to me at night. but he hasnt seen much outside of our room, being nothing has really happend. but youll hear from him soon...
ps. we got him a little drunk the other day. miss your face